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Showing posts from June, 2016

Penang; Training, Travelling, Eating Part 2

hi people! why it takes sooooo long nak sambung part two?? hahhaha I am so sorry, so damn busy lately, hiks ye keee~~ what ever lah.. okay, last time stop kat part mee udang tu kan? aah, mee udang tu sedappp.. then, mission nak hamik beg kakak aku pun berjayalah.. jumpa tokey MID GULAI KAWAH muka familiar ala2 retisss gitewww balik, redah semula jambatan penang.. jemmm mak kaww~~.. hukhuk.. okay lah~~. In one day, aku dah redah dua jambatan sekali gus!, .. amikkaw... DAY TWO yeayyy, pegi sampling kat LANGKAWI ^_^ hamboi ko kan... sampai2 je dah pegi sampling, kat langkawi plak tu dek nooonnnn wait, ni bukan happy2 taw, ini ialah training untuk bacteriology aku,,, =D then, i met Mr Shafiq, the officer which responsible on this trip, and other three laboratory assistant; Mr. Fahmi, K. Zila and Uncle, they were very friendly and really taking care of me =P bertolak pagi dari NaFish, via pajero. sampai kat jeti kuala perlis tengah hari, then, kitorang naik feri ke langkawi...

His Rahmah

Failed in previous relationship makes me think twice for another one. I once doomed abruptly on the ground, drowned into the world of sorrow and sadness. Lost and long for something which I don’t know what that was. Sometimes I hit the panic button, and keep panicking non-stop. After all, I was tired. My heart torn and my mind blurred, my body felt damn lethargic and my feet wobbly like jelly every time I tried to stand up. It was such a terrible moment of my life. Despite of all the ordeals, I am gracious for the existence of a bunch of generous friends around. Hands lend for me to grab on, and made me stand up on my own. Wisdom words are always spoken from their heart and kept me alive. After shading the tears that blocking my heart, after building my heart with pieces of hard diamond, after standing my feet straight and able to run, I realized that Allah the Almighty was sending His message throughout of all these messes. He misses me. He misses my prayer begging for Hi...