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#CityTravel Batu Caves

unplanned activity memang best!,
again, last Saturday, five of us spent the rest of the day...going out, seeing the other side of Kuala Lumpur,..bosan sudah dengan typical mall and segala mak nenek kat dalam nya..juga lepas geram hadap lappy berhari-hari untuk makalah Biologi kami..
kononnya dengan konsep #Throwback, no car used, only the public transport from the very beginning..
gamble je follow the map (see below)... sonang ajo..
tambang pergi dari Serdang ke Batu Caves with switching platform at KL Central costed RM3.20
naseb bek perkhidmatan bas UPM ke ktm Serdang free, jimat RM1.00..
Alhamdulillah, cuaca memang sangat comel.. Allah bagi mudah kepada kami melihat kebesaranNya.. 

well, almaklumlah, public transport..sangat jimat duit, tapi consume masa and tenaga..hope in the future public transport can be better in terms of services..huhuhu KL Central... waiting for the train to Batu Caves

yang syoknya, train ke Batu Caves zero people.. mula2 mengantuk, masing2 pening, lapa bagai.. tapi pandang belakang, satu gerabak kosong!
apalagi, penggambaran bermula!
*yah fefeeling kat oversea~~ =P

setting2 jap... betulkan kasut, aini: 'weyh cepat2, duduk sini, buat macam niii'


hikhik..trend laaa katakannn *selfie

nampak tak bosannya kami2 dlm gerabak ni..

nak golek2, nak berlari2, no one care!

ehhh..nak sampai dahhhh

banyak lagi post mengarut, takpelah, ini sudah cukup

kami sampai!
di Batu Caves....
we saw a lot of new things...

sweets, got ladhu.. some of them made of milk, kurma, got maruku some more, 
fefeeling tourist, kitorang jadi tester kat situ..hahahhaa
sedap gak!

pokok ni memang cantikkk..

memang kat sana bergambar tak berenti... hahahaha ... tak panjat tangga lagi nihhh.. 
tiba perot laparr..ooohhhh nak mkn kat mnaaaaa...
as a muslim, certainly we have to be picky of what to eat, and yet, kami dah tak larat nak carik jauh2 kedai, redah kedai indian food kat sana..
a few interviews made to the pekerja

'is it Halal?'
'can we eat here?'
'what are you guys selling?'

the food were all vegetarian, Alhamdulillah, 
yah order ghee tosai, baiti, aini and ecah order chapati, and me, nasik daun pisang, coz the rest memang tak cukup...hahahahhaha
the curry  for vege people, semua sayur, bendi curry, brinjal and peria...mihmihmih...
the pekerja suggested me to try the tofu chicken, 
it was really tasted like chicken, but made up of tofu, yummy!

full plate

Alhamdulillah, we made it!
lepas da kenyang, kitorang pergi rehat and solat jap kat surau KTM ..
then, we continue...

Batu Caves is a limestone caves and dah wujud 116 tahun yang lalu, it serves as the Temple for Hindu devoted to Lord Murugan whose 42 meter high gold statue stands outside.. it was 400 feet above the ground level.. got 272 steps..* a few researches needed before you go somewhere*, only now, we know.. thank mista gugel~~^^

kitorang memang attracted dengan merpati terbang melayang kat dataran depan cave ni..hahahha macam2 style dah kitorang capture.. *courtesy, aini.

 the only bertudung other than the tourists from Indonesian really feel different,,..hahahha

adeyh, tak naik2 lagi ni...

ok, tiba masa nak menapak tangga
errm..erm.. steepnyaa......

got a few rules before nak naik tangga ni, as it is a temple, and a sacred place for Hindus, the tourists kenala respect the place, shorts and skirts above lutut tak boleh, nanti dyowang akan bekalkan selendang, ikat kat pinggang, pastu ati2, got monkeys there, and they were all very particular dengan plastics, so take care 

hmm.blum naik dah berpeluh peluh...sbb veryy steep..
aku dengan beg gabak ni..terasa serabut lak, nak panjat tetinggi gini...adeyh~~

as usual, takde monopod, guna tangan paling panjang, and Snap!
*muka semua cover seriau gayat..kihkihkih
ok dah sampai~~
-ko dah kenapa Bai?

kami berlima

pusing2 kat atas tu.. ada a few temples lagi, the Hindus were about to have their prayer time at the moment we all nak turun,.. we could see their practices, and their devotion towards their beliefs. 

ok, nak turun... masih menakutkan ..tapi semua cover~~


ada Dark Cave kat tepi tangga Batu Caves ni, conserved by the MNS or Malaysian Nature Society, conserving the kelawars and all the cave's creatures..nak jugak menapak ke dalam, tapiiiii~~ for adults cost for RM35, hehehhehe tak pe lahh..out of budget..

since kitorang rasa macam kat India, then banyak pulak kedai henna, hihihi apa lagi... Henna time, first time niii~~ testing testing... =P

ok, since we all keluar dari gate Batu Caves agak awal, around 4.00++pm, we've decided to go to Central Market, cost by ktm to Kl Central Rm 2.00 and to Pasar Seni by LRT for RM 1.00.
kat sana..tataw nak buat apa,.aku pegi beli eskrem favorite aku, dr Turki, made of susu unta, flavor durian-RM 7.00, worth buying though!
ecah lak, dok carik aksesori..tapi tak jumpak, sbb kat situ terlalu exotic barang2 nyaaa...
then, terjumpak satu kedai Fish Therapy, hahahha
ok, Jom!, terus cabut kasut, tanggal stoking, rendam kaki wangi masing2 dalam alley yang penuh ikan besaq~~ 

RM10.00 for 15 minutes, mula2 pejam mata, tahan geli, lama2 rasa comel kena gigit dengan ikan2 ni..hahahhaha this was my second time ber fish therapy, and it was great!

muka lega, kaki da licin, kihkihkih

tapi untuk sesiapa yang memang tak tahan geli, adalah dinasihatkan tak payah buat, hahahhaa, =P

dah penat merayau rayau kat CM, we all decided to solat kat Masjid Jamek, jalan depan sikit dr situ, sampai laaaa

malam da hahh~~, masjid tu memang cantikkkk~~ ^^

lepas solat, perut menyanyi nyanyi~~ 
serang jalan TAR konon nak carik makanan, almaklumlah, gugurls, kain warna warni memang tak lepas sentuh punya... 

aku musykil betul... time jalan2 kat situ, melihat keadaan, ramai betul manusiaaaaa... ade je barang tak cukup nk shopping, malam  makin larut... aish,..tak paham.. mungkin aku tak rasa hidup macam dyowang, terpaksa shoping tengah malam, .. mungkin dyowang ada itu je masa nya.. 
apa aku merepek ni??

da lepas melantak, beli streets food, mata otak tulang belulang otot, semua menjerit kata.. SUDAHHH!!
kami pun mengundur diri, ambik tren ke BTS and amik ke KTM serdang, 
Alhamdulillah, sampai2 je, bas UPM dtg, 
Allah sekali lagi permudahkan perjalanan kami...

kami belajar banyak benda, melihat pelbagai perkara, tak cukup taip di sini sahaja, rasa sendiri pergi sana~!

next~..tak taw lagi ke mana destinasi ;) 


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