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I don't need plastic bag

I don't need plastic bag and I am in Pahang.

Last time , I went to the market to buy some stuff. Yet, this time I managed to bring my own eco shopping bag (after several times of failed bringing it together while shopping and causing me feel damn guilty towards the environment).
When it's time to pay, I told the cashier that I don't need plastic bag. She looked at me and chuckled, 'it's okay kak, the price is including the plastic bags, ' 'no, it's okay, I don't need it, ' ' no kak, it's okay, I put in the plastic bag, '

Guessed what, inside I get boiled to the max. 'be patience ba, this is the beginning, it's never easy to manifest good things though,'

You see, I don't mind about the few cents as long as I am trying and training very hard to reduce the anthropogenic effects towards the Mother Nature for hundreds of years to go.
I don't mind about not being able to carry things, as long as the turtle won't stucked engulfing the fragments of plastic thinking that it was a delicious jelly fish.
I dont mind to be seen as mak cik mak cik carrying my own woven shopping bag, rather than letting one piece of plastic trash get into the life cycle, eating it through and causing more health complications.
Come on people, let us do our part, to save the environment. One piece of plastic is thousands of penny lost.

I stopped her from keep putting my groceries inside the plastic bag (like you know, they loooveee to put the items according to its type,  which is for me such a waste), pay the bills and thank her for being so concern of my few penny lost.

*if you notice any grammatical error or wrong sentence and vocabulary usage, please, please and please, do correct me. Thank you!

**thanks for reading it, any feedback is highly appreciated :)


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