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selongkar my Little Einstein corner ^^

tengah2 mencarik maklumat assignment physics yang bakal dihantar esok-terpandang satu site yang sangat menenangkan jiwa tuan hamba-



this is my little einstein corner..^^ cute aite?
napa letak nama tu???
konon2nye einstein type2 manusia brain besar- mcm buku
sooo, this is my source of happiness, brainy stuffs, and fulfilling my inner need ^^..insya Allah..

moh kita korek apa ada dlm ni...*mcm laaa besau sangat sampai nak kena korek =P..anyway my genre- #1-BIOGRAPHY, #2MOTIVATIONAL, #3 ANY BOOKS THAT CAN ATTRACT MY ATTENTION

presenting to you~~!!

Secangkir Teh Pengubat Letih- by Ustaz Hasrizal..
love this book, masih dalam usaha menghabiskan pembacaan..
membuka minda tentang ragam hidup dalam memperjuangkan Islam, dan bagaimana usaha beliau mengkaji sejarah Ottoman- zaman Turki Uthmaniah .. very nice! must read!

this one- belajar dalam kelas falsafah sains time first year dlu- oleh our dearest Doc Mat Rofa..
pemikiran beyond imagination and facts... bawak buku ni, sambi dgr kuliah dy...perghh.. believe me, you won't regret!

this book, THUMBS UP! it gives us solution tentang kehidupan yang jarang difikirkan, Alhamdulillah, sgt bermanfaat buat diri ini ^^.. die die must read!!

this one antara my most favourite book... anak kepada stephen covey- sean covey.. seriously best gila, it is not a typical boring motivational book, which gives solution and so on, but this book, memang mengulas tentang kehidupan as a teenager and how to manage it.. die die must read!!!

antara paling feberet biografi that i have- ^^- thousands of LIKES!!!! ada English version, but i prefer the Malay one-malas nak translate =P- Syed Mokhtar Albukhary- a philanthropist- very humble person- damn mesti baca!!! 

kadang2 tu penat jugak dok baca heavy stuff macam yang kat atas td..hahahah *taupon =P
so, last time punya Big Bad Wolf- terjumpa laah buku yang kiut lg miut seyh .. hahahah it is still factual, but in funnier way..

ni antara isik dalam dy...with only rm8.00 ^^ cute aite? hahahaha

buku akademik juga mengisi kelompongan my little corner ni.....
sangat sygkan mereka...^^...


errr...buku2 dibawah menanti tuan hamba menjengah kedalam isi2 mereka...

again, biography is just me... Mohamed Morsi- wait for me yaww~~

buku ni terjumpa time Seminar Ustaz Hasrizal aritu kt USIM- terjemahan bahasa Inggeris kepada Indonesia- kok bisa bacain... #eh..

this cute book was given by my sis Ada sempena my burtday..^^..still dalam plastIk okaiiiii~~~ tq sis ^^..hehehehehe

and this one... given by my dear fren from Palembang- Raina Jelita Falatehan... classical mythology tuuuuu.... tq dear! gonna read it soon ^^

still ada lagi buku2 untuk di share bersama...^^..later lah i introduce to you guys..anyway, kalo ade suggestion for me to read- do share ^^... and kalo ade ase mcm nak pinjam ke, boleh aje..sila2.. sama2 kita berkongsi manfaat yang bakal diperolehi.. insya Allah.. and lg satu, lupa nak mensi- suhaiba tak baca novel ye... maaf... hehehhee.. ok that's it for me....

iqra' =)


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