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its been a while

assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera..
hari ni. hari rabu, dah hampir seminggu turun daripada board MTM ( Majlis Tertinggi Mahasiswa) Kolej Kedua sesi 2011/2012

abg2 and kakak2, kawan2 ... anda marvelous!

feeling?  happy..=)     ^_^   =_=   =_=  ' =(... sedih...
 hampir satu sesi , almost setahun bekerja bersama..
we work really as a family...
happy sebab  Alhamdulillah, insya Allah, sudah terlaksana semua tanggungjawab yang digalas, 
happy dapat melihat hasil daripada titik peluh kerjasama semua..
happy sebab dapat kenal mereka yang sama2 bertungkus lumus didalam board ni...
happy sebab tak payah dah nk hadap meeting 2-3 pagi, rehearsal bagai, post mortem bagai.
happy sebab bersama2 mereka..
happy sebab lega dah turun jawatan, tak de dah beban tanggungjawab yang memerlukan pengorbanan luar alam,
 happy sebab dapat bersama partner yang marvelous~ gimzuuu
happy sebab diri ini merupakan
 Exco Kebudayaan MTM Kolej Kedua 2011/2012.. 

happy sebab we've created lots of histories together
sedih sebab takkan bersama mereka yang sama dah lepas ni,..
takkan bersama bergaduh dlm meeting..
xde dah nk teasing each other creating new issues among us..
xde dah sesi lepak beramai2..
xde dah nk cekcor bagai*ooppss hahahha
sedih sebab there will be no more history to be created together dah...

saya pasti rindu mereka...mereka pasti rindu saya..*hakhak pasan jap~
mcm2 ragam ade dlm board ni.. 
korang, jgn lupa memories yang dah kite create same2 ea...
sob sob sob.. 

me and partner, ismail, with our successors: faeez and eryn, *good luck guys! do the best!

with chika, bee, and little princess shuang ^^
never imagine that we can hug each other and gonna miss the moment together...

memori tercipta..lalalalla..ok, ade orang da tuka position...sob sob sob..
a song with lots of meaning..

with mr, ex president.. a gigih, kental, big headed, brilliant, mengada person!
thanx bro! mentor me all the way through.. gimzuuu~

ladies of the nation!

the boys~ *khanak khanak sgt~ =P

masing masing..xbehave!

with my partner, ismail.. budak paling mengada , manja, pening kepala bila test around the corner, kuat mkn, kek batik manis gila..bla bla bla~ nway, thanx bro coz jd my partner, mengharungi suka duka bersama~ gimzuuu~ hahhaha  papepon BUDAYA MEMANG BEST!

kepada board MTM sesi 2012/2013, selamat berjaya kepada kalian! kepada adek beradek yang masih meneruskan perjuangan, lakukan sebaik mungkin! kami sentiasa di belakang kalian..
cc: don, pika, sabby, moshi

 i would like to thank to all who believe in me and my friends to be in this board, 
it taught me a lot, changed my point of view almost in everything around me,
 i learnt that,once you are a leader, you will always be a leader, being in this board was so much different compared to be a prefect zaman sekolah dulu..well, we're not really like prefect here.. i learnt the real life, the real people, facing lots of ordeals, responsibilities, sacrifice this and that,
but i really thankful for this chance.. big thanx!
waahhh ayat~ well, it comes deep from the bottom of my heart...
i love you guys ^^....


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