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balik kampung ^^

dalam kelam kelam kelibut mengadap exam yang bakal menjelang tiba minggu depan, aku sempat lg menyempatkn diri bersame2 ngn family di hujung minggu ^^
balik kampung- sabak bernam, transit dulu kt uma hada, kg air manis before ke umah mak long kt sg manik perak, for her son's wedding ceremony..

kt uma ada, kg air manis,

sesampai kt sne, da ramai sedare mare da ade,.. pagi2 lagi ade majlis marhaban tok bby imran n bby iris, meriah sat~ 

deco tok pengantin pnye lunch.. hasil tangan nenek su n kazen2.. cedapnye~

theme of the day, itam putih...

kami pun dok bergambo ler kt pelamin canteq nan indah *redah cepat b4 pengantin sampai! =P
-aku, ada, k.we, imran, mina, balqis, k.lin, iqbal, syahmi, iman separuh hahaha-


bile hari da petang... bermulalah sesi mengagau ikan- menimba usual, mak long dah ready dua kolam tepi uma tok family gathering, tangkap2 ikan, upacara yang paling aku suke for every two years *well, not really official in two years period..sometimes boleh jadi sampai 4 taun skali, depends on the condition of the ikan2 in the kolam.. dlm kolam2 ni ade la ikan sepat, keli, puyu, belida, and paling byk - haruan- ^^ *tp mak tak makan haruan..huhuhu

antara haruan yang berjaya ditangkap ^^

dare to hold it with your bare hands? haruan jah~ *tips na tangkap dy dgn selamat- pegang kepala dy tightly,.^^

huhuhu aku ta sempat nk redah kolam tu same2 ngn kazen2 n abg2 aku yg lain,.. xpelah, next time jelah, huhuuhu
hasil tangkapan? adelah penuh sampai half of the big container, puas laa pulak nak menyiang nye.. at night, half of the haruan dimasak kari special k.sham.. pergh.. terlantar masing2 hadap... 
gathering dgn family mmg happy, cant wait for the next xtvt..^^.. 

big thanx to my deary niece coz mind to be my photographer ^^
and also to my new baby - OLYMPUS- ^^


  1. Assalamualaikum...

    Iba sayang... Rindunye...
    Makin comella iba... :-)

    Iba ada msg ikut fb adik kan...
    Selamat utk xm...

    Moga Allah kasih dirimu.


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