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ayah ^_^

ayah used to be a very handsome man in his younger day.. prove? emak cakap even ayah dah kawin, still ade woman yang nk kat ayah... gitu.. anyway.. my ayah still a handsome man until now, ^_^.. even ayah dah x secerah dulu.. kulit dah berkedut..

i see his hardness in raising the seven of us.. ayah xpenah bagi kami semua rasa susah. walau hakikat ayah dah penat kerja mencari rezeki untuk semua.. anything that i asked, mesti ayah usahakan.. makin penat bila tengok ayah gigih menjaga cucu2 ayah lepas arwah kak long meninggal... ayah xmembezakan cucu dengan anaknya sendiri  ..
 emak selalu pesan.. 'pegi sekolah belajar rajin-rajin ea, kesian ayah, penat kerja..'

i'm proud to be his doter ^^..
my ayah is a good cook *sometimes better then emak ^^
ayah also has a good voice, sedap mengalun ayat2 suci everytime lepas solat fardhu
ayah teguh walaupun kehilangan his eldest doter and youngest son

ayah always be my wise man speaks..
he always trying to give the best for me..

sekarang, ayah semakin happy with his life.. seeing his doters and sons raised well..

sayang ayah! ^_^

*i dont know wat to give for the Father's Day actually.. hmmmmmm well, hope that ayah manage to get Haji Mabrur then!


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