on the last 11 - 16 of january, kitorang organized a leadership camp- KRIS 29,,.. pengalaman? berbaloi baloi ^^... i learnt a lot from that =).. me myself as the eksekutif aktiviti sgt byk cabaran.... we have to think, what kind of xtvt yg sesuai, the peraturan2, the duration, the objective,.. Alhamdulillah segala nye berjalan dgn lancar.. sbelum berlangsung nya camp, we have to try the xtvt dulu..test whether sesway or not,..hehehe...mangsa? - adek beradek mtm sy..huahuahua...naseb laaa korang ,,.=P these were some pictures taken during the testing session..
ni nak uji men mkn megi- suapan kasih..nampak simple, tp ade strategi ok!
yadi mmg muke lapo giler time tu
go gurlz~ hahahahha
mmg yadi yang abeskan sume..
venue- padang sofball- men snake game... k.fefey ketuk jgn x ketuk~
risa sebagai ketua fasi~ ;)
me n sue, menten pose~ wahh
snake game for gurls only,..
hah,,.dekat sgt dah tu...
snake game for boyz only...
meeting tok progress setiap ajk..ajk yg menten kritikal...aktiviti..waa~~... pening @_@
jaiho!!! eh kemain lagik si risa ~ hahhahaha
time boring, kami bermain....
sabby n pinggu...menten pose!
ini main alif ba ta
aku pemimpin sombong...hikhikhik ^^...byk pengajaran!
some of the xtvt, kitowang recordkn ... seperti~
this one is the gemersik kalbu aktiviti..hahaha go k.nano!!
actually byk lagi yang di uji, di eksperimentasi...tp ni je yang mampu tuk dikongsi..hihihihi...nway, wait fr the next part two~ 'the camp.. part II ( be LEADER)..
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