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too many things that keep playing in my giant brain..things to be shared n to think together,..well, i know that i have to filter it one by one, before it drain out..hohohoho

hmm..perkara utama yg asyik dok berpuseng puseng dlm otak ni> losing weight..
some people think it sensitive, some people just don't care about it, like me =P..
some people take it seriously...
well, it is certainly important thing when it comes to health..

berat badan meningkat?
like what ive said before, I DONT CARE!
then, ape yg i do care?
it is my health!

as for me myself, tak kesah langsong about the sizes: big small giant petite
event how much u eat: sepinggan? semangkuk? setong dram? even secubit?
up to you... yg penting, what goes into your body...
and how you manage the 'thing' that goes into it,..

well, this is my way when i talk about this,..
me really hate of this thing:

frens , come on!! wake up!! hey, dont and dont and dont and dont simply fall into this thing!!! ok, fine, it works to some people, how do you know? have you seen them eat it? arghh..iklan biaselah tuu... nk tunjuk hasil je,..wait, is it works to me? to you? if it fails? sememangnye memberi harapan palsyuh.... tgok laa the ingredient.. is it good? is it not poisonous? is it qualified by the kementerian?  .. again, i said , tak payah laaa nk cuba2 turunkn berat badan with this thing~..alergik! ooppsss~ 

food..hmmm..this is the most important part... tempting isn't it? ahah! jackpot! i knew it,..this is the cause of weight gain..we all do realize right?...

ice cream...

ice cream again..* i love ice cream that's y i just posted the ice cream picture..huhuhu

not only this cold and creamy thing bother us, there are tons of tempting food out there acting as the biggest menace in our life! they are very helpful in celebrating the day, releasing the tense, but, it is getting tenser when they resulting in increasing of the weighing number! urghh... its hurt~
there's another thing, my science teacher once pernah pesan to me during my school time dulu, she said,' don't drink cold water too much. why? what if you guys try to pour an icy cold water into an oily sink, what happen to the oil?it will accumulating. then, can you imagine when it goes into your body? ' urghhh~ wont let it happen! it can lead to many other scary~

sleep! yes... sleep is very crucial in balancing the weight...not enough or too much of sleeping are certainly not a good habit..! both can affect the body weight... let the body have an enough rest, yet, enough sleeping is one of the way.. do not neglect it, kesian to body,..remember guys, we are not a robot, even robot pon need minyak to grease the sendi2 and to ease their move *cne lak aku ley taw nih?...* 

 lets us turn out our day with eating something good, well, you know what it is right? 

 proteins, carbohydrates, grains, 

vegetables? hahahha

it is a big dream right? having a body from the left to right~..

but, don't be too skinny like this little barbie doll, sometime, she looks sick..hmmm..

please, no offense talking bout this, it's  only my thought anyway, nothing right or wrong, well, no matter how heavy or skinny you are, don't have to worry, all that matters is your health. yes, your health! take a good care of it.. work out and do something.. you might be look healthy, but can you  constantly run  five laps of balapan non-stop in a certain minute? check yourself =)... maybe not five laps, even one lap is enough..check! check! check!..

meet the doctor to see your heath's level, and mind to do something to your body..hey, i'm not saying to care to be like a model of runway, but, be a model of the grandchildren where you can stand still without any penyakit =) yourself ^_^

p/s: losing weight is one of my new year's resolution, even i dont really care about it, but it is a mission! .. wish me to accomplish it ^^


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