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New Year 2022 Trip- Perlis

 Dear lovely readers, It has been quite some time that I haven't write a thing in this space. Somewhat a 'hidden' gem. Anyways, I wanted to share on my recent visit to Perlis. Hopefully, this can help those who planned to have a nice weekend later on.  Alhamdulillah, me and my husband decided to make a trip to the smallest state in Malaysia celebrating the New Year 2022. Since the border is still open for the time being, it is certainly the best opportunity to grab before it closes back due to pandemic.  Why Perlis tho?  Perlis has been underrated for the past few years, as people might think that there's not much of fun things to explore there. Anyways, this state has grew a lot these recent years with so many attractions despite of the current pandemic. Okay, let's straight to what we have done in this Indera Kayangan state.  So we started our journey on Saturday, 1st January 2022 from Sungai Petani, Kedah. We chose Padang Besar as our first pit stop of the day. P
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